Our Story
Hey! I'm Naomi.
I am a yoga teacher and mum to three teenagers, we live in Edinburgh in Scotland. I love the sea - in all weathers, the natural ways to health and happiness, reading books and early nights. I started Happy Hormones Seeds as a way to simplify seed cycling and to share the method as it has helped me so much in my own health and wellbeing during peri menopause
Supporting you through each stage of life to reach your best health potential
Happy Hormones Seeds is a Seed Cycling product. It is a very simple, natural, organic product which can be taken daily.
Happy Hormones Seeds help to support women’s hormones. The combination of organic flax seeds and pumpkin seeds make up the first package for the first 14 days of a woman’s menstrual cycle. These seeds help to support natural oestrogen production. The combination of organic sesame and sunflower seeds make up the second package and are for days 15 to 28. These seeds help to support the natural production of progesterone.
How it works
DAYS 1 - 14 of Your Cycle
Eat two tablespoons per day from Packet 1: Flaxseeds & Pumpkin seeds
- Both seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which help healthy cells and fight inflammation
- Amazing benefits for healthy skin, hair and nails.
- Flax seeds are high in phytoestrogens that promote oestrogen production
- Contain lignans that help detoxify excess oestrogens and provide fibre to eliminate them.
- Pumpkin seeds are high in Zinc which increases the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) which in turn causes ovulation and leads to the production of progesterone.
DAYS 15 - 28 of Your Cycle
Eat two tablespoons per day from Packet 2: Sunflower Seeds and Sesame Seeds
- Both seeds are high in omega-6 fatty acids, which help reduce PMS and decreases inflammation
- Sesame seeds are high in lignans, which help to modulate and harmonise oestrogen levels.
- Rich in magnesium and calcium and improve PMS cramps and provide an immunity boost.
- Sunflower seeds are rich in selenium, which is essential for liver function, to ensure proper detoxification and elimination of excess hormones